Monthly Archives: December 2012

never talk about your ex

Just a quick one today guys but very important on your first (and subsequent) date. Never, ever talk about or mention your ex. Nuf said! Related:     Hot Tips   |   Body Language   |   Single Dads    |   Dating Profile    |   Courtship   |   Avoiding Turnoffs   |   Dating Trends    |   Shy People   |   Dating Rules    |   Senior Tips  |   Reality Shows    |   Do’s and Don’ts   |   Scandalous Shows    |   Top 5 Sites   |   Free Online Dating    |   Christian Dating   |   Gay   

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Pick up a woman on the beach

How do I pick up a woman on the beach? The beach is an excellent place to find the woman with a perfect body. With the size of bikinis these days you certainly can see what you are likely to be getting. There isn’t much room to hide any defects and you can see straight away if she has an tattoos or scars that might have put you off if you had met her in a club and found out later. At the beach you can really see what you are getting- if the boobs are real or fake, how big they are and of course what her whole body … Continue reading

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How to ask a woman to dance if she is in a group

Just how do I ask a woman to dance when she is in a group without getting shot down in flames? Its easy, well easy for most of us to be able to go up and ask a woman to dance if she is on her own and maybe if she has one other with her, but what about when there is a group of them all together laughing, drinking and having a good time. Pretty daunting even for the most confident guy to go up to one in a whole group and risk being shot down in front of them all if she says no. Not worth the risk, … Continue reading

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success at dating

What do I need to do to have more success at dating? Smarten up your appearance. Success at dating is not rocket science. Take a good look in your clothes closet. I am sure it will be time to modern things up if you are like most of us males or for those who are newly out of relationship where it didn’t matter how badly dressed you were you still scored…all be it occasionally… You don’t have to spend a fortune. Just go to your local department store or men’s clothing store and ask them what would look good on you. Best if the sales assistant is a female around … Continue reading

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Good etiquette on your first date

Good etiquette on your first date. OK, so you have scored yourself a date with the woman of your dreams, but how do you make sure your first date goes well? Remember you only have one chance to make a first impression and of course you want it it be a good one, and a memorable one but in a good way, not one of those dates from hell she will be telling her girlfriends about for years to come. A dinner date is ideal for your first date. Pick a nice restaurant beforehand and make a reservation. You don’t want the embarrassment of rolling up and being turned away … Continue reading

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Understanding body language for dating

It goes without saying that body language is one of the most underrated aspects of dating and relationships in general. Many men (as well as women) do not realize that even though they may be saying the right words, their body may be giving off completely different signals. When dating it is common to focus on what you will potentially say to your date, what you will wear, where you will go for dinner, etc. Although these are all important parts of the dating process, body language is a key aspect to true success in all relationships both budding and established. The eyes and what they can say Do you … Continue reading

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