Monthly Archives: December 2012

Your first date

Make your first date a success. You only have one chance to make a first impression…Well duh! but you will be surprised at how many of us don’t realize and think about this and muck it up right from the start. It almost doesn’t matter what you do from then on, you have blown it. There are exceptions of course but few in my opinion. The first golden rule is never ever and I mean NEVER look at or flirt with another woman while on your first date. Give all your attention to your date no matter how short that skirt is that walks past or how impressive her chest … Continue reading

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How young is too young to start dating

How young is too young to start dating? All fathers dread the fact that one day his sweet innocent daughter is going to come home and announce she has a boyfriend. Worse still only if you are going to find out about it from someone else weeks after. The bad news its pretty much too late to do anything about it once they reach that age, whatever ‘that age’ is for your particular daughter. That age will vary from country to country and between different cultures and even different between two of your own girls even tho you brought them up pretty much the same way in your eyes. Every … Continue reading

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How to compliment a woman

How to compliment a woman without getting your face slapped. Rule number one, don’t be crass. Never say something like ‘you have really nice tits’ even if she does and that was the only thing that made you notice her from the other side of the room. This will never work, well there will be the odd exception depending on what mood she is in and whether or not she has just had surgery on them again, but scoring a date is a numbers game so this is not a good tactic percentage wise, trust me. Far better to compliment her on her eyes, or her hair or even her … Continue reading

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Are all Russian dating sites a scam?

Are all Russian dating sites a scam? Are all Russian dating sites a scam? Probably not,  but many clearly are and you need to be careful. Of course on the internet you never know who you are really dealing with, how big and reliable the business is or even if they are actually even in Russia or the Ukraine where they make out they are. Ukraine brides seem to be more popular than Russian brides these days but you are not just limited to those countries either with many others now offered. You need to do your research. Try googling the site-name, a space, and the word spam and see … Continue reading

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How do I tell if he is married

I have been asked ‘how do I tell if he is married’ by more than one person so there are probably a hundreds of you out there in cyberspace who would like to know. There are many tell-tale signs but as always there are exceptions, so don’t rely on just one of these signs, but a few or more will probably be an indication that he is already married or at least in a relationship. Does he always put the toilet seat down? A sure sign that he has a partner or at the very least daughters in the house. Maybe he has just been well house-trained when he was … Continue reading

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Stay safe online with internet dating

How to stay safe online with internet dating. Its not rocket science but we need to spell a few things out to remain safe online with internet dating and using dating websites. Most of them, in fact all of them, in hind-site are pretty much common sense but many of us soon seem to lose this when there is a pretty woman or good looking man involved. Never give out your contact details or have them in your profile. Many online dating sites will automatically blank these out or reject them in your profile but some will only blank part of it out so its easy to see or guess … Continue reading

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