Monthly Archives: December 2012

How can I tell if a woman is interested in me?

How can I tell if a woman is interested in me? Here are some sure fire tips on body language to tell if she is interested in you or you are wasting your time here. Hey its not one hundred per cent accurate but will work for you most of the time in most situations- we guarantee it. There are heaps of tell-tale signs, so these are just some of them. Most important in my opinion is that she will re-initiate the conversation once you stop talking. Not just because she, like most women, like to talk- you can tell the difference. Does she toss her hair when she is … Continue reading

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How Do You Find A Man

How do you find a man in today’s fast paced world. Not easy. Well easy to find one but to find the right one that is the problem. There are plenty of men out there that no one wants, and for good reason as you have no debt discovered why by now. There are some real pigs out there. No idea how to treat a woman when dating for the first time let alone how to treat them so they will stay, and come to think of it no idea about hygiene. Where can I go to meet a decent man? The usual bar scene just produces those who want … Continue reading

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How to Pick Up Women at Night Classes

How to Pick Up Women at Night Classes…really? Yes why not? This is the perfect place to meet women. Of course you need to choose a subject in which women in your age group might be interested but there are plenty to choose from generally. Classes need not be expensive, especially ones run by community groups or schools…and hey you might even learn something to boot. Depending on the class you may even be able to attend one for free to see if you like it. This is perfect as you can see who else is in the class before committing and paying. of course Murphy’s law will always apply … Continue reading

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Is online dating the only option?

Is online dating the only option for finding a partner? These days we are so ruled by technology- mobile phone, txts, the internet, smartphones.  Is every other method dead now? Hell no. It’s just one of the many methods and one of the better in my opinion but is for sure not the only one. Today I will discuss some off-line methods to score a date. Sure, if you are young and single its easy to meet new people at a bar, a nightclub, parties, even at school etc. But what about those of us who are older or not really into the social scene so much? How do we … Continue reading

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Dating advice- should I mention my kids?

Lots of us have them but should we mention kids in our dating online profile? That’s an excellent question and there is no right or wrong answer… as with most of this on-line dating advice– there will always be those who have had success with the exact opposite of what is advised in these pages, blogs, FAQ’s and the like. But we need to go with percentages here and what works better in most situations. As in life there will always be exceptions to everything and our advice is to read and take advice on-board but at the end of the day do what feels right for you. You know … Continue reading


Getting back into the dating scene- successful on-line dating

Today’s newbie mistakes on un- successful on-line adult dating. We’ve all been there… well if you haven’t there is a better than 50/50 chance you will be…and soon- back in the dating scene that is. Many of us will not have been dating for many years and will have forgotten the rules. Many of the old rules still apply but many have changed with time. For instance its not always appropriate for the guy to pay for everything on the first date. You should offer, and at least twice, but woman these days like to be independent and expect to pay their way. Good for us you say…but don’t appear … Continue reading

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