Monthly Archives: July 2013

Is she interested in you or not?

How can you tell if a girl is really interested in you or not? You know the story- you think she is hot and you really want to go out with her. You have talked to her and she hasn’t told you directly to your face to piss off or worse, so you think there might be a chance, but you don’t seem to be getting anywhere and haven’t actually got her phone number yet. Is it worth persevering or should you just move on? Now most woman aren’t just going to suggest you go back to her place for some wild and kinky sex involving her 2 hot cheerleader … Continue reading

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Don’t be Scammed by an Online Dating Site

Wow. Just read about a poor guy who was scammed by an online dating site for over $800,000. He has lost everything and now living with his daughter. Evidently his wife had just died it says (bit of a worry that he was hitting a dating site so soon after his wife died of cancer but who are we to judge here…and ‘soon’ could have just been a journalist term to sensationalize the story, who knows, and soon could be a year I guess for some people…anyway back to the topic at hand). The dating company run by a husband and wife and one other woman has been taken to … Continue reading

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How can you pick a fraud and avoid online dating scams?

How can you pick a fraud and avoid online dating scams? There are literally thousands of dating sites out there on the internet today with new ones being added daily. Anyone can purchase a effectively pre-built site which is already pre-filled or populated with so called members, many of which will be fraudsters, non existent users, or content scraped from other dating websites with well out of date users and photos, or even Facebook to make a site that is 1 day old seem like a popular and trusted site. How are you to know which is a trusted and real dating site?  Not that easy. Google the name and … Continue reading

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How can you pick a fraud and avoid online dating scams?

There are literally thousands of dating sites out there on the internet today with new ones being added daily. Anyone can purchase a effectively pre-built site which is already pre-filled or populated with so called members, many of which will be fraudsters, non existent users, or content scraped from other dating websites with well out of date users and photos, or even Facebook to make a site that is 1 day old seem like a popular and trusted site. How are you to know which is a trusted and real dating site?  Not that easy. Google the name and check out feedback or do a simple check and see how … Continue reading

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