Monthly Archives: April 2014

Building up Your Self Confidence

Following on from last weeks post. You need to work on your self confidence if you are going to be successful with women. Now not over confident. Most woman will be turned off by a man who is too self confidence and coming across as arrogant. You just need to project the air of confidence. A woman is not going to be interested in someone who can’t even be happy with themselves. If they can’t look after themselves, how on earth would they look after me? Remember that women, whether they realise it or not, are subconsciously looking for a man to protect and take care of them. Evolution has … Continue reading

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Confidence in yourself helps you score a date

How to ask a woman out Asking a woman out is not difficult, but it doesn’t come naturally or easy for most of us. But the only reason it is not easy is because we just don’t know how. They don’t teach you these things at school and it is generally not something your parents teach you growing up. It looks so easy on the movies with guys you have all the lines and confidence, but thats the movies… the director already knows how it is going to turn out. There is no script for real life. You need to be prepared. Sure you can read up and buy books … Continue reading

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