Monthly Archives: September 2014

How Do I Know She is in to Me?

How do I know that she is in to me? You don’t! Yeah seriously, you won’t know for sure, but take heart there are some tell-tale signs that will give you a good idea. A few, and trust me a very few, will come straight out and let you know, but most like us are shy too and fear rejection. So you are going to have to read the signs to tell unless she has already dropped to her knees if you know what I mean. Is she leaning in when talking to you? This is a good sign. Does the conversation flow? Most women are far more talkative than … Continue reading

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Your New Ukrainian Bride

As of the time of writing the Ukraine is in crisis. Depending on which news channel you choose to believe there may be well over 2,000 civilians killed in the crossfire. Donetsk which a few months ago had approximately one million people now has an estimated two hundred thousand. Where have they all gone? They have had to go somewhere. There has to be a lot of desperate gorgeous Ukrainian woman keener than ever to find a ticket out of there. As we have mentioned before, previously while it was still very possible to get a beautiful Ukrainian bride, it was not as easy as it was several years ago. … Continue reading

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