Monthly Archives: November 2014

Using a movie to ask a girl out

Choosing a movie for a first date is in my opinion not a great idea as you basically spend ninety minutes or more both staring at a screen feeling awkward at not talking. Typically one will be into the movie more than the other and it will be more awkward for one than the other. Definitely not recommended as a first date, but waiting for a movie is a great way to get a date from someone in your group of friends. Have as many friends as possible and do fun things together. A movie can be a great way. Have your friends especially the female friends bring a friend … Continue reading

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How to improve your asking a woman out results

Many if not most of us really know how to successfully ask a girl out. Talking to a woman might be easy (but not for us all as you well know), but almost without exception we all fear being rejected. The only reason we are asking is because we want to have some sort of relationship with her, being just a one night stand, or potential partner, wife, girlfriend or significant other. We need to know a better way to ask a woman out to increase the chances of them saying yes. You are going to get rejected. It’s a fact of life. Accept it. Accept that fact now. End … Continue reading

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