Monthly Archives: March 2015

Internet Dating Scams and How To Avoid Being Scammed- part 6

Internet Dating Scams and How To Avoid Being Scammed- part 6 Scams, scams and outright scam dating sites. They do exist!. Websites set up purely to scam your money with no intention, desire or capability for anyone to actually find a potential wipe. Websites designed purely to get as much money from you as they can before you finally realise they are just out and out scamming you. How do they work? You probably saw their ad somewhere and clicked on it. They run affiliate schemes where they pay web owners and other internet marketers a percentage or usually a one-off finders fee for every sucker that signs up through … Continue reading

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Internet Dating Scams and How To Avoid Being Scammed- part 5

Internet Dating Scams and How To Avoid Being Scammed- part 5 There are many red flags or signs that the person you are dealing with is not who they claim to be and that there is a potential scam in process as we have already mentioned, the object of which as always is to get money from you one way or another. Not all beautiful women on foreign dating sites are scammers of course, but many are and you need to be aware of the traps. Generally the more beautiful she is and the better quality the photos are, the more chance of a scam. Sure, your new soon to … Continue reading

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