Monthly Archives: May 2015

What Women Want

What do women want in a man? An age old question. It seems that there are a myriad of myths and beliefs out there, some of which may even be true or at least partly true. Men tend to over-think things, everything! We imagine for a woman to be attracted to us, we need to be great looking, carrying a six pack, drive a great car, have a wicked sense of humor that can make her laugh in any situation at the drop of a hat, approved by all her friends and her parents, at all times dress like you are in a movie, and have a few billion in … Continue reading

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How To Ask A Woman For A Date

How to ask a woman for a date Dating apps and websites have made it much easier for you shy males to find a suitable woman to date. You can immediately discard those that have more than two cats without having wasted an hour of your life and springing for a coffee, a drink or a meal before you find this out. You can casually over a series of messages back and forth get to the point where you suggest actually meeting up in real life. However dating websites or apps take time and maybe money depending on what you chose. A much better method is to ask a woman … Continue reading

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