Monthly Archives: June 2015

Speed Dating Do’s and Don’ts

What is Speed Dating? A relatively new phenomenon where you have anywhere from 2-15 minutes to sell yourself and to gauge whether you want to follow up on the one sitting opposite you doing the same. The process varies according to the organiser and country, but usually organised to meet in a bar somewhere where approximately an even number of single ladies and single guys get the chance to talk and ask questions of each other, and also naturally to check each other out physically to see whether there might be some connection or attraction and the possibility to arrange a date later. Why? We have all had that date … Continue reading

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FaceBook and Your Ex

  FaceBook and Your Ex Ok, so it’s temping to stalk your ex and see what he or she is up to on social media. In a word, don’t! It is only sure to bring you grief. Do you really want to know what they are up to and with whom? You really want to see pics of her partying up hard, drunk, with guys hanging all over her? Just don’t do it to yourself. Many exes, for whatever reason will want to show you in their best light. That they are having a great time, can have anyone they want, still look great (or even better than they did … Continue reading

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