Monthly Archives: November 2015

Make a Great First Impression

You only have one chance to make a first impression. This is rather a well known cliché, but most of us don’t give much thought to it. Of course in retrospect it is important and we all form an impression of someone at least subconsciously in the first few seconds of meeting them. First impressions are extremely important whether we like it or not. She may find you irresistible and fall in love with you once she gets to know the real you, but if you don’t grab her attention right at the start both of you will never know what could have been. Your online profile is important. It … Continue reading

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Your Third Date

Your third Ukrainian date. So you have survived through the first two dates so far OK. She seems into you. You have not scared her off even after the photos you sent her were not exactly in the last few years…chances are the ones she sent you were not taken yesterday either. The language barrier is a bit of the problem, but remember her English will improve with practice. With the various translation apps that are out there and for free these days, you can resort to those if there really is something your or she cannot understand even with wild hand gestures. With these apps you can even dictate … Continue reading

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Your Second Ukrainian Date

Following on from our post on your first Ukrainian date, where to go, what to say, what to avoid saying… Your first date went well. She seems to like you, or at least didn’t walk out during your first meeting. What to arrange for the next meeting? Before I forget, and more importantly, before you forget, remember to take a small gift for her on every meeting. It needn’t be much, and especially does not need to cost much, but it is important to always give her a little something when you meet each time. Maybe a flower, a single flower is fine especially when you know what her favourite … Continue reading

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What to talk about on with your first Ukrainian date

Following on from last week. You have made the plunge, bitten the bullet and travelled to the Ukraine to meet your beautiful Ukrainian woman whom you hope will be the woman of your dreams and your future wife. What do you talk about? You don’t want to seem to eager. She is every bit as beautiful in real life as her photos and the grainy video on your skype video chats you have had over the last month or more. She seems pleased with you too…or at least has not made it obvious she is disappointed at your first meeting. Things appear to be progressing OK. So what should you … Continue reading

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