Monthly Archives: December 2015

Writing a Profile That Makes You Stand Out

Writing a profile that makes you stand out and sure to get a flood of responses. Last week we covered the fact that you need a good profile photo. But of course a photo won’t do it on it’s own. Unless you are a well known movie star of course, but then no one will believe your profile is real anyway. So, once you have a good selection of photos prepared and ready for your profile, you need to have a good think about what you are actually going to say in your profile. If you have used a dating site before, you will already have some idea of what … Continue reading

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You Need a Great Profile Photo

You need a great profile photo! No ifs or buts here. If you are serious about finding a beautiful foreign bride, you must have a good profile photo. Sure, they all say appearances don’t matter… we males even say this but of course we don’t really mean it. Whilst appearances may not matter in the end when she gets to know the real you, your personality and humor, your thoughtfulness and how you make her feel like a princess with the small things like helping her with her coat and opening the door for her, you are never going to get the chance to show her if she doesn’t respond … Continue reading

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