Monthly Archives: January 2016

Still in a relationship?

Something a little different this week. This is for those who are already in a relationship. If you are in a relationship and are looking at dating sites, then something is clearly wrong. What are you doing here? Before looking at leaving, or worse still finding someone new while you are still in a relationship, perhaps take a little time out and consider the alternatives. Why are you here? What is so bad with your present relationship to make you look elsewhere. Can it be fixed. Is it your fault or hers? Is it the right thing to do? Should I go or should I stay? How long is a … Continue reading

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Writing a profile that makes you stand out and sure to get a flood of responses. part 2

Writing a profile that makes you stand out and sure to get a flood of responses. part 2 Happy New Year to everyone. We are back with our weekly tips after a few weeks holiday. We hope your dating and quest in finding that partner you deserve is going well. So we covered already having a good photo on your profile, and the reasons for that. Naturally enough you also need a decent description and text to get anyone interested in contacting you. All the tips you read, or that we have come across pretty much all say the same things. Most of it is or should be common sense, … Continue reading

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