Monthly Archives: November 2016

The Convenience of Online Dating

The Convenience of Online Dating The internet has enabled love to spread around the globe with just a click. It started off with a free chatting room such as IRC, ICQ, MSN and so on. People from different places can gather in a virtual room to make new friends, exchanging ideas, while most young adults join in the chat to look for love. Because of its huge popularity as a place to find new love, online chatting services have come up with the idea of online dating. Instantly, dating sites started to mushroom, with some of the sites have more than 3million members. Also, try to google “online dating” and … Continue reading

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Dating Tips for the Single Modern Parent

Dating Tips for the Single Modern Parent Ahhh. The dating life of a single parent. It seems that more and more parents are divorcing and being forced out into the wonderful world of dating than ever before. I myself am a perpetually single person. I have managed to remain single since leaving a four-year relationship with a 2 ½ year old in tow 15 years ago. I remained single while becoming the parent of my 2nd and last child. I did manage to fall off the wagon once and briefly married one very big mistake of a man. But I quickly came to my senses and became even more committed … Continue reading

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What to Be Careful of when Dating Women

What to Be Careful of when Dating Women There are some women that are not ‘date’ friendly, it used to be a puzzle to me back in the day why so many women I knew ended growing up single and alone but reasons began to surface as I looked deeper. It wouldn’t be down to one reason but a few, a lot of women carry around some excess emotional baggage, beware of the woman on the first date that spends the whole evening talking about her ex or even worse the places they used to visit, if she takes out the photo album I would suggest making a quick exit. … Continue reading

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Do’s and Don’ts of Dating and Blogging

Do’s and Don’ts of Dating and Blogging For many people, their personal blog is an outlet where they can talk about their day-to-day activities, share their experiences, get advice and communicate with new people all from the comfort of their home. Blogs have become increasingly popular and some may say that it is cathartic. When you have a blog, you may be tempted to share information about those you are dating or in a relationship with. Considering a blog is out there for all to see, there are some do’s and don’ts to think about before you type your first post. Do Tell Your Significant Other About Your Blog If … Continue reading

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