Monthly Archives: February 2017

Speed Dating: Fast Paced Dating System for a Fast Paced World

Speed Dating: Fast Paced Dating System for a Fast Paced World Many moons ago when I was young, people usually found someone to date by socializing in a bar, being introduced to someone by a friend, or even occasionally meeting someone at the local grocery store or or even the local laundromat. But in today’s fast paced, no time to browse world, these old fashioned dating systems are quickly becoming pushed aside to make way for more modern venues such as Speed Dating. Speed dating is where a group of single men and women meet in a pre-arranged place, where they are then paired at a table and are rotated … Continue reading

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Healthy Dating Tips: The Christian Dating Code

Healthy Dating Tips: The Christian Dating Code Dating sites can be very reassuring for singles that are looking for a partner for romance or life. Some people are not able to find a suitable match for themselves due to their coy nature or their work surroundings. At a dating site they come across individuals who are similarly looking for a partner for serious relationship. Searching at Dating Sites The number of Christian dating sites is increasing day by day, along with a host of other new websites coming up so rapidly. These websites such as Bigchurch offer individual advice to those, who seek it. These sites conveniently link you with … Continue reading

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5 Big Red Flags: Men You Shouldn’t Be Dating

5 Big Red Flags: Men You Shouldn’t Be Dating Ah, the proverbial list. Those nasty little red flags that tell you, don’t go there with this guy. It took many years, and many nights out, to obtain my precious little list. Oddly enough, they are really simple, and pretty much obvious. The problem is, most women are at least somewhat aware of them, however, they get it in their heads, “Oh he’s not really that bad”, or “He really didn’t mean it”. My favorite is “But he’s so cute, and has such potential”. Give me a break. Sorry ladies, but ‘What You See, is What You Get”. If you don’t … Continue reading

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Dating an Older Man – The Pros and Con

Dating an Older Man – The Pros and Cons When it comes to dating, what are some of your likes and dislikes? What type of man do you prefer? Do you want someone who’s a little older and mature, or do you prefer someone who is young and a little on the wild side? Dating can be very fun and exciting, because you get a chance to meet new people and learn their likes and dislikes. Although, when it comes to dating someone who is older than you, it can be a challenge. Today we will look at the pros and cons of dating an older man, the good, bad … Continue reading

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