Monthly Archives: June 2017

Dating on a Tight Budget

Dating on a Tight Budget It Gets Expensive in This Dating Scene and Here Are Some Tips to Save a Buck It is not always cheap being single. Meeting new people and getting to know each other becomes quite costly when a typical date could cost anywhere between $75 to $100. At that amount, going on 3 or 4 dates a month can be detrimental to any budget. Even worse if the date doesn’t go in the right direction. That’s where you come to a fork in the road, where you don’t want to look like a cheapskate and you don’t want to hurt your pockets all at the same … Continue reading

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Divorced Dating Parents – Seven Fun Dating Ideas

Divorced Dating Parents – Seven Fun Dating Ideas Divorce is never easy, and it can be even more difficult when there are children involved. However, at some point, you will likely decide to start dating again. The last thing you want to do is discuss with your date what went wrong in the past relationship. Instead, you need to wipe the slate clean, and have some fun with your dates. In what follows, are some great ideas of ways to have fun on your dates. As well, it will teach you a lot about the other person, and whether you want to continue seeing that person. After all, you do … Continue reading

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Top 5 Internet Dating Sites

Top 5 Internet Dating Sites Finding love can be a difficult task, but it’s made easier in the technological era by internet dating. It can be hard to find the site that is right for you. It is also sometimes scary to put personal information about yourself out on the web so we’ve put together a list for you of some of the most trusted names in internet dating and matchmaking. Here are some facts about the top 5 dating services found on the internet today. Their motto is “Find Love. Guaranteed.” Cost – $29.99 for 6 months which includes the guarantee that you will find love in 6 … Continue reading

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The Explosive Dating Disaster & How to Avoid It

The Explosive Dating Disaster & How to Avoid It Natural gas has terrorized single women worldwide since the beginning of time. It threatens the image most ladies strive for on their first few dates with a new beau. They want to be perceived as beautiful, classy, and charming beings with a hint of mystery. What destroys a mysterious aura faster than an ill-timed toot? Nothing. Some women may argue that any man who is put off by nature’s call is unreasonable and doesn’t deserve to date them. However, these women are severely limiting their dating options. According to a poll I recently conducted among fifty single men, twenty-three confessed that … Continue reading

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Internet Dating Communication Tips

Internet Dating Communication Tips Excellent communication is very important when meeting people online. The key to developing a good, healthy relationship is good communication and honesty. You must make sure you present yourself as a person who has high integrity and possess excellent communication skills. There are six key communication tips that are necessary when dating online. Correspondence methods when meeting online are via instant messenger and email. Make sure your humor comes across in that manner when corresponding through those tools. Communicating online can sometimes read differently than it would if it had been said over the phone or in person, since you can’t hear the person’s voice or … Continue reading

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