Monthly Archives: August 2017

Dating & Relationships: What Couples MUST Do

Dating & Relationships: What Couples MUST Do Here is a little summary of my first five articles on the Ten Commandments of Love. The rest are yet to come. Hopefully you will read the first five and look forward to the rest. Afterall your relationship may depend on it! The Ten Commandments Of Love #1- The Best Friend- There is definitely a fine line between accepting and caring for your partner’s best friend, and being let’s say “Overly” friendly. I have seen many a couple in trouble, and sometimes even break up because of this mistake. Check out my article and see where to draw the line, and how to … Continue reading

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The Dating Blues: Don’t Let Them Get You

The Dating Blues: Don’t Let Them Get You All single people have a shot of going through those dating blues. Those times when it seems like you’ll just never find the right person for you. But you can get through those and take your time to find the right one, instead of just the one to fill a space in your life. It will be a huge mistake if you look for someone to only fill that void. Often it will be a doomed relationship from the beginning. One that will not last long or not a life-time anyway and have you back in the dating world once again after … Continue reading

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Online Dating with Match.Com

Online Dating with Match.Com My Personal Online Dating Experience A co-worker friend of mine just started a new venture into the world of online dating. Her excitement got me thinking about my own experiences with it that started out like a failed science experiment, but in the end took a turn for the best. Thanks to, I am now getting married in two weeks! Here’s how it all happened… After getting divorced in 2011 and having never lived alone as an adult, I was thrown head first into single life. I had to learn to be independent, get my own apartment, and learn how to pump gas! I was … Continue reading

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The Basics of Online Dating

The Basics of Online Dating Most people claim that you can’t find companionship or love online, and the rest of them claim that you might be able to, but they never had. Well, the truth is, you can find companionship, love, and lasting relationships on the ‘net. And it might not be as hard as you think. But where to find this elusive thing, and how to master online dating so that you too can have your pick of the lucky ladies and handsome men on the net? Where to Look                                                             Don’t expect to sit down in front of your computer, bring up your browser, and instantly have several dates. … Continue reading

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The Top 10 Hottest Dating Tips

The Top 10 Hottest Dating Tips Dating is always a pleasurable activity at any time of the year and is especially romantic during the holiday season. Christmas holidays go by quickly and you have to make the time to take the full advantage of the season. Now is the one time in the year where work should take a back seat to your personal life; you should optimize the time you have so you can spend most of it with your date. Remember, it is never too early to plan! Here are some ideas for fun and romantic dates you can try during the holidays: Try eating at different restaurants … Continue reading

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