Monthly Archives: September 2017

Internet Dating 101: A Smart Way to Date Online

Internet Dating 101: A Smart Way to Date Online Everyone seems to be looking for someone, whether it be for a relationship, friendship or just hooking up. There’s been some debate as to how safe internet dating really is. I say, it’s as safe as you make it, just like meeting strangers at a bar or a club, there’s always a risk. I’ve been fortunate enough to not have had any tragic encounters when it came to internet dating and I’ve done a fair share of it. I’ve met every single ex and current boyfriend online, except one. The one that I met through friends actually turned out to be … Continue reading

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Six Things Men Should Have Before You Marry Them

Dating 101: Six Things Men Should Have Before You Marry Them You shouldn’t get married to a man unless he is ready to settle down in life. You can tell very much about a man by his actions and responses to certain things. Here are six things men should have before you get married. Motivation To Be Successful in Life You do not want to be a man that is not motivated to be the best that he can be. You want to know that a man will be a good provider for the whole family now and forever. You need to realize that it is a ton of work … Continue reading

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Dating on a Budget with the Environment on Your Mind

Five Tips for Eco-Friendly Dating Dating on a Budget with the Environment on Your Mind Whether you are going on your first date or going out with your darling husband, these 5 eco-friendly dating ideas will have your date thinking romantic and positive thoughts about you. We can’t help you out if there’s no chemistry, but at least with these ideas you’ll have a great chance of making a wonderful impression. First tip for an eco-friendly date: Go for a walk in the park. There are several eco-friendly activities you can take part in. Do either of you have a dog? Take your pet out for a stroll with your … Continue reading

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Why Not to Call Him in the Dating Process

Why Not to Call Him in the Dating Process So you met a guy and think he might be the next big thing in your life. The only problem is that you just started dating and aren’t sure if you’re jumping into this without thinking. I know you want to call or text your new boy toy, but doing so can send off bad signals to guys. The strongest signal you will be sending is the idea you are available. You don’t want a guy to think of you as so, do you? Trust me, he won’t think you aren’t interesting in him just because you aren’t calling him. The … Continue reading

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