Monthly Archives: November 2017

New Age Dating? How to find your dream date on tinder

New Age Dating? How to find your dream date on tinder: In this day and age dating is complicated, you can’t just ask someone out anymore, you have to meet them online and have awkward txt conversations before you actually meet. It’s hard finidng the right guy or girl, especially when all you can see is their tinder display pictures and you’re pretty sure he’s the one second on the left but you’re not sure. You want to make sure he’s not a creep, send him a message and see how he responds. If it’s something vulgar, then leave the conversation and remove him from your friends list. If his … Continue reading

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Dating the Parents: Getting your boyfriends parents to like you.

Dating the Parents: Getting your boyfriends parents to like you. It’s always important getting your boyfriend’s parents to like you, but doing so can be a daunting process. You never know what they’re going to be like and sometimes go over the top with the niceties. We have compiled a sure-fire list of tips to help you make them love you. Compliment their house. Parents usually love nothing more than to go on and on about aspects of their house that they’re proud of so make sure you get the ball rolling and comment on something. Make sure it’s specific, don’t say “I love your house” because that sounds forced … Continue reading

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Festive Dates that your crush or girlfriend will love.

Festive Dates that your crush or girlfriend will love. Taking her to see the decorated houses in your neighbourhood is an easy way to have a nice, romantic date. To make it even more special bring a picnic or take her out to eat afterwards. You’ll have plenty of time to take during the walk/drive to the lights and if there is any awkwardness, the lights will spice up a conversation. Have a christmas movie marathon. Invite her over and play your favourite christmas movies. Arrange an array of christmas snacks; cookies and chocolate are never a bad choice. Make sure you’re also choosing movies that your date will want … Continue reading

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Do’s and Dont’s for the First Date

Do’s and Don’t’s for the First Date The first date can make or break a relationship. It can be the best night of your life and the start of a life long relationship or a horrible disaster and will forever be the story she tells her friends at parties for a laugh. Make sure you are not the punchline. There are some ways to ensure your date will be a success, even if it doesn’t lead to marriage it will at least stop you from being an embarrassing story that she tells for years to come. Here is a list of Do’s and Dont’s to calm the first date nerves: … Continue reading

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Five things you’re doing wrong with women.

Five things you’re doing wrong with women. We all know a guy who could use this, so here’s some handy tips for the men who have trouble picking up girls for whatever reason. Follow these steps and talking to the ladies will be as easy as it seems to be for everyone else. Hygiene. This is essential for talking to anyone, not just women you fancy. Brush your teeth twice a day, shower daily, wash your hair often, y’know, the basics. Make sure she can’t smell you before she sees you, and this does not just mean B.O. Make sure your deodorant or cologne is not over powering. Don’t make … Continue reading

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