Monthly Archives: February 2018

Online Dating Tips that Will Keep You Safe

Online Dating Tips that Will Keep You Safe So you have made the choice to start meeting people to date online. Before you get started there are a few things that you should know. Although the person you have met online may seem great and trustworthy this may not always be the case. Many times the people that you meet over the net may not always share the entire truth about themselves with you. The person you are considering dating online could be also be using a picture of someone else, or an older picture when they were younger or in better physical shape. The person may have even lied … Continue reading

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Single Parent Dating: Four Essential Tips

Single Parent Dating: Four Essential Tips Getting Back into Dating as a Single Parent When my ex-wife and I ended out relationship, we had one problem: our son. Both of us knew that the time had come to start dating other people. We parted as friends and even today we still spend time together, but our big concern was that our six-year-old, Joey, was going to be confused if he saw Mommy or Daddy dating someone else. We both love our child and didn’t want to cause him any trauma, so we developed a system with the help of many of our single parent friends that incorporated their single parent … Continue reading

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Run Away from These 5 Bad Online Dating Photos

Run Away from These 5 Bad Online Dating Photos Online dating is a great way to meet new potential mates, especially if you don’t have much of a chance to interact socially outside of work. You can learn quite a bit about a person from what they say, and choose not to say, in their online profile. How they say it and how they spell it give huge clues too. Equally important though, are the photos they choose to post. I’ve used several of the popular sites on and off over the last few years and I’ve observed some very consistent warning signs with online dating photos. Here are my … Continue reading

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How Our Dating Affects Your Children

How Our Dating Affects Your Children Single parent dating has become quite the norm today. It is the majority in our social sector as a matter of fact. It is important for us, as parents, to understand the consideration we need to have for our children when we decide that after a divorce we are going to start dating again. The easiest way to understand this is to put yourself in your children’s shoes. Think for a minute (or two) about how you would feel if your parents were divorced and started dating. How would you feel about them and the partners they choose? Regardless of the people involved, it … Continue reading

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