Monthly Archives: September 2018

9 Golden Online Dating Tips for Seniors

9 Golden Online Dating Tips for Seniors I’m Old Enough to Date Online You are a senior and want to have fun with online dating. And you want to feel safe while dating online. Let me help you to have fun and feel safe online with these 9 golden tips. When meeting new people online don’t give away your private email address. Use services like Hotmail and Yahoo to create a new email account and use this account for your first encounters. When you are sure that the contact you’ve made is genuine and sincere and you feel comfortable about it you can give them your private email. Don’t give … Continue reading

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The Reality of Dating Reality Shows

The Reality of Dating Reality Shows To say that a television show has positive or negative influence over reality, is to ignore the “X factor”. It’s really got nothing to do with the show itself. It is always in the viewer to take from an experience what they will, much as with the Christian Bible. The presentation may be different, but the end results are the same; people hear what they want to hear, then they apply those things to their life in ways that are personally beneficial. This doesn’t make the thing “good” or “bad”. If we judged everything on the effect it has on people, most of that … Continue reading

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Dating Do’s and Don’ts

Dating Do’s and Don’ts Online dating has certain interesting conventions which are not so easily understood by many. When dating someone online, it is always different to meeting one for real, thus certain new framed rules must be followed to maintain success. These rules are not ground breaking, they are simple and anyone can understand these by applying logic. This article will reduce your burden of thinking and give you well proven points, follow them to be successful. Also understand that everyone is unique, certain modifications to the rules may really be necessary in some cases. One most important thing to make in online dating is that you remain smart … Continue reading

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Five Scandalous Dating Reality Shows that Don’t Exist (Yet)

Five Scandalous Dating Reality Shows that Don’t Exist (Yet) Every time you turn around, new dating realities shows burst onto the scene, promising even more scandal. These shows are the world’s guilty pleasures. The more we complain about how shallow and baseless they are the more we tune in. It seems that in an effort to push the boundaries of decency, the creators and producers get more risqué, allowing the participants to “be themselves”-in an effort to score higher ratings. What if the boundaries on these reality programs grew exceptionally thin? What kinds of dating shows would audiences surely tune in to see? Here are some ideas… Reality Show Title: … Continue reading

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