Monthly Archives: January 2019

Five Tips to Dating as a Single Parent

Five Tips to Dating as a Single Parent As a single parent, dating can be particularly daunting. You have more than just your own well-being to consider. As a parent, you want what is best for them, but at the same time, you need to take care of your needs as well. And that includes personal and romantic relationships. Having kids does not mean being alone, but it does mean you need to take precautions. Be up front with your date. This cannot be stressed enough. You should tell your date that you have kids right off the bat. A lot of people are turned off at the thought of … Continue reading

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Divorced and Dating?

Divorced and Dating? Communication Frustration It’s been a while since I’ve seriously considered dating again. I tend to believe my divorce attorney when he says, “It’s best to wait a year after the divorce before dating again. It gives you time to get your life straightened out and to relearn who would make the best friends.” As a result of this decision, I’ve discovered the fact there seems to be two different languages for communication in my world. I am not 100 per cent clear on whether each language is gender-specific or not, but they very well could be. It is the effects of mistranslation/misinterpretation that have me befuddled. Having … Continue reading

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Red Flags to Watch for While Dating

Red Flags to Watch for While Dating Dating is such a wonderful, exciting and confusing time! New couples are trying to get to know each other. They are on their best behavior, putting their best feet forward. But as times goes by and the euphoria of new love tones down a bit, sometimes red flags start going up. Is love blind? Should love be blind? Definitely not! You need to recognize important signs that your relationship might not be everything you want. If you don’t heed the warning signs, you may end up in a long-term relationship or even marriage that makes you unhappy. Life is short and no one … Continue reading

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Hot Tips for Successful Online Dating

Hot Tips for Successful Online Dating With the help of Internet, the world has got smaller and closer. One can easily make new friends, meet old friends and spread out their dating choices just by sitting at home by the means of Online Dating services. There is a mistaken belief that people indulging into online dating are just scum and desperate people, but in actual fact online dating is an effectual and expedient way to meet up with other singles. Quite often in the first online meet itself, you often make immediate connection with the other. It appears as if your relation just surges and communication becomes easy and trouble-free. … Continue reading

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Why Men Fail when Dating Women

Why Men Fail when Dating Women Imagine being the guy who does not have to worry about dating women anymore. Women are all over you and your cell-phone never stops ringing. You have to verify your agenda because you barely have time for yourself with so many dates on your calendar. But this is just a dream to some men. Some men are just not capable of inspiring that desire into women. But why? It’s because they are not doing the right approach to women. What’s the right approach? – you ask. Think about this situation… Case 1: There’s a beautiful lady in a flower store. The lady is perfect; … Continue reading

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