
AdultFriendFinder is the world’s largest adult and swingers sex personals site! You can make new friends, find the hottest singles, wildest couples and sexiest groups. Whether you are straight or gay, looking for sexy women or men, you will find everything you want on AdultFriendFinder.

9 Responses to About

  1. Casey says:

    Finally a blog with some useful and up to date dating information. Keep it up guys (no pun intended)

  2. laura says:

    Where can I find a decent man to date ? I am sick of all these scam dating sites. Any good apps out there they don’t actually cost an arm and a leg to get anywhere with them??

  3. lilly says:

    Excellent site here. Keep it up, but how about some more posts for women. We are looking too sometimes.

  4. Mark says:

    usefull dating blog guys

  5. Mark says:

    you guys write some good stuff. Some is bollocks but some well worth reading for us new to the online dating scene

  6. Mark says:

    Great dating blog guys

  7. Mark says:

    useful site mate.more dating tips for older guys looking to score hot younger women tho eh

  8. jess says:

    You should be the winner of a contest for one of the
    finest blogs on the net. I would recommend this website!

  9. Mark says:

    Nice blog. Do you have an RSS feed for it? so I don’t have to login in once a week

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