Author Archives: libbs

6 tips to remember when you’re dating

6 tips to remember when you’re dating. 1. Don’t act needy. It makes the other person feel extremely irritated, it’s okay if you do it in small amounts as they are more willing to care, but if you are constantly needy it will scare him off and he will become overwhelmed by your problems. Make sure to give him his space and respect that he will have other friends that he is close with. Even if you are a clingy person, don’t become too dependant on him too quickly as he may not feel the same early in the relationship and can leave at any time. 2. Don’t act negatively. … Continue reading

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A Most Important Dating Tip

The worst thing you can do is get into a relationship because you think they will fix you. We are shown constantly through the media that getting into a relationship will fix your problems, this is even shown to children in fairy tales, when Cinderella finds a prince who takes her away from her evil family, or when Snow White can only be awakened by a man. Children are told that getting in a relationship will fix all their problems, and they grow up waiting for a partner to come along instead of trying to fix their problems themselves. When people with a strong belief that they will be fixed … Continue reading

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Top Tips for Teen Dating

Top Tips for Teen Dating: Get into relationships for the right reasons. The first step to a healthy relationship is being in one because you are ready for one, not because you’ve been pressured into it or because it’s what your friends are doing. You need to decide when the time is right for you and be confident in your decision. Decide what you want in a relationship. Don’t make an endless list of things you expect in a relationship, but have a vague idea. Pick the top five things that you think are important to you, and stick to them; such as honesty because you want a relationship where … Continue reading

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The Friend-Zone and How to Avoid it.

The prospect of teenage dating is severely hindered by the idea of the ‘friend-zone.’ The idea was constructed by teenage boys who believe they have been ‘friend zoned’ by girls as they are ‘too nice’ to date. The idea is ridiculous mainly because boys think that being nice immediately results in relationships, that holding a door open for a girl means they are a gentleman of the highest honour, and should be granted women. This is horrific as it creates the idea that men are entitled to women and that, by doing little, respectful things that a decent human being should do, they should be given sex. The idea of … Continue reading

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