Your first date

Make your first date a success. You only have one chance to make a first impression…Well duh! but you will be surprised at how many of us don’t realize and think about this and muck it up right from the start. It almost doesn’t matter what you do from then on, you have blown it. There are exceptions of course but few in my opinion.

The first golden rule is never ever and I mean NEVER look at or flirt with another woman while on your first date. Give all your attention to your date no matter how short that skirt is that walks past or how impressive her chest is at the table opposite. Focus on her and concentrate. Woman can sense where your eyes are, trust me.Looking at other women is very degrading and dis-respective to your date. Sure once you have been going out for some time, or living together she will expect it- all men do and so do women but not the thing to do on your first date.

Give your first date your full attention. Listen to (or yeah appear or pretend to listen to) every word she says. Keep constant eye contact and look interested even if you are not. Its important for a woman to feel she is heard. Don’t dominate the conversation but nod, agree and comment as appropriate. Jump right on in there is she has clearly stalled. Ask questions which ask for more than a one word answer to keep the conversation flowing and going. Turn you cell to vibrate and under no circumstances answer your phone or heaven forbid answer a txt while on your first date. If you really must you can reply when you excuse yourself to go to the toilet a little further into the date, or better still when she has to. If you really have to tell her early on that your mum is in the hospital and that you made need to take a call.

Treat you date well. Open the door for her, pour her wine, take her coat or whatever. You know the stuff like on the older movies, and of course you pay for everything. Woman love to be treated like a princess. Compliment her on how beautiful she looks or compliment her on something she is wearing (careful here, don’t complement her on something revealing at least not yet). You want to make her feel special. This will pay off big time later if you know what I mean. You don’t need to overdo it. If you have the means then flowers, probably best to be just one as a token rather than a bunch (Where does she put them on the first date) or a small gift is good, but for most of us who aren’t that flush with cash its not a good idea as it builds an expectation and she will be expecting something every time and if or when you don’t she will be disappointed, even subconsciously and this will do more harm than having given her no gift on the first date at all.

So on your first date make sure you treat her like a princess and it can’t fail to pay off.


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