Senior Dating: It’s a Whole New World Out There!
Dating has changed quite a bit in the past twenty-five years. Senior Citizens trying to get back into dating again will find out that they need a whole new game plan than they used in the past if they are to be successful. There are many new options to meet and connect with others. Sometimes, it pays to be creative.
Online Dating
Something most seniors just returning to dating have not experienced before is Online Dating or Online Matchmaking. There are quite a few online dating sites that have a special section just for seniors. They offer dating tips for senior citizens along with an opportunity to get to know a potential suitor online and then eventually, when they feel ready, get to know them in person.
For most sites it’s pretty straightforward – register, make an online profile with your hobbies, interests and contact information and then sit back and wait for the inquires to come in. The downside of this easy and convenient dating method is something that always needs to be remembered – on the internet, a person can pretend to be anyone they want to be. Never give out personal information until you’ve gotten to know the person. When you feel you’re ready to meet them in person …before you ever give out your address or home telephone number, make contact with a cell phone number so that the telephone number can’t be tracked back to your home address. Plan your first meeting in a public place like a coffee shop, busy park or library. It’s always good practice to let a friend or family member know where you are going to be – just to be safe. If something doesn’t feel right – leave and don’t drive directly home as you don’t want to chance anyone following you.
Many long term relationships and friendships have started on the internet. It’s a good, safe way to initially get to know someone in the comfort of your own home. Don’t be afraid to check it out and give it a try.
Senior Centers
A possibly overlooked place to meet other seniors for dating is at a Senior Citizen Community Center. Some of these centers even offer tips and seminars on Senior Citizen Dating. Senior centers have come a long way in recent times. Many of them offer transportation to and from the center each day. They may have different speakers, authors or political candidates come and give talks or seminars. They may offer exercise or craft classes or even games such as cards or Bingo. They usually also offer meals and a place for seniors to meet, visit and get to know one another. Many centers have dances or movie times also and some even charter buses for day trips to places of interest. Senior Centers are a wonderful way to get to know other seniors in the area. Who knows…hitting it off with a special someone just may happen.
Adult Game Rooms
If your state allows them, Adult Game Rooms are all the rage with seniors. The games are very similar to slot machines but give ‘credits’ for gift cards instead of cash. Walk into any game room most afternoons or evenings and it will be full of senior citizens! The games and the chance to win gift cards to places such as grocery or department stores is the biggest draw of course, but because it’s a relatively inexpensive way to spend the afternoon, you’ll find many seniors on fixed incomes spending their day pushing the buttons and waiting to hit a jackpot! Most of the game rooms serve free soft drinks, snacks and even lunch and dinner. They have parties for some of the holidays too.
The socializing that goes on in these game rooms can be similar to many clubs. They have “the regulars” that are there most days. Friendships and romances have been formed in these rooms over the bells and clanging of the machines.
Again, it is a good place for a senior to meet another senior who usually lives locally. The initial meeting is in a public, relaxed setting so there is plenty of time to get to know each other as you sit side by side, playing the machines and hoping that “Lady Luck” will shine down…or could it be waiting for Cupid instead?
Dating – though different than years past is still the same in many ways. It is still very important to get to know the person well before you agree to go out with them. These ways mentioned above are all easy, convenient and most of all safe ways for seniors to ease back into dating. Never give up because love and companionship at any age or stage is a gift worth achieving.