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Of course not every man is out to meet hot local women tonight - many men are looking for a soul mate - perhpas starting out with a romantic penpal for fun and as trust and respect develop, becoming more inclined towards love and marriage - but a word of warning - don't promise marriage the first time you contact someone - they will probably run a mile. Married and Looking Friend Finder services let you browse millions of local and international dating contacts - swingers, other couples and singles - using free Adult Friend Finder features. If you are adventurous and courteous with your dating chat, the chances are you will meet singles (women and men) as well as couples - and not only a hot girl and hot guy couple - the permutations and combinations of human sexuality are many. Once you have registered for a dating website featuring online personals, remember that not all of the members listed on the network - guys or girls - are who they say they are, so after you have checked out their network profiles and you have got over your initial greetings, take time to analyse their comments and never provide them with your current location and phone number or your personal web site or - of course - your password. A word of caution if you are a single man seeking a woman - the sexy woman you are swapping emails with or trying to chat online with could already be in a relationship as part of couple or be just a sexy girl who is an online flirt who likes playing jokes on a single man trying to hook up with lonely women tonight - trust but verify. Married and Looking Friend Finder services let you browse millions of local and international dating contacts - swingers, other couples and singles - using free Adult Friend Finder features.