Dating on a Tight Budget

Dating on a Tight Budget

It Gets Expensive in This Dating Scene and Here Are Some Tips to Save a Buck

It is not always cheap being single. Meeting new people and getting to know each other becomes quite costly when a typical date could cost anywhere between $75 to $100. At that amount, going on 3 or 4 dates a month can be detrimental to any budget. Even worse if the date doesn’t go in the right direction. That’s where you come to a fork in the road, where you don’t want to look like a cheapskate and you don’t want to hurt your pockets all at the same time. For those that say “you can’t have your cake and eat it too,” this article will show you exactly how you can do that.

Everyone wants to give off a good first impression, but in today’s dating scene with the cost of living getting higher and higher, spending big money on someone you just met is a huge budget decision for many. No one wants to look frugal, pulling out coupons and sipping water on a first date, but there has to be a balance out there somewhere. There is! Here are a few suggestions that are suitable for those that are already in relationships to those just exploring the single scene.

Annual Passes

These are passes that, for a one-time fee, allow you to visit the venue all year or the entire season that they are open. Most of these passes cost around $40 or $50 dollars, but you only pay that one time, and in most cases you pay for the pass itself in one visit. Get a few of these passes to places that you like to go to, maybe the aquarium or an amusement park. A lot of these annual passes come with vouchers for a guest, which can be redeemed on line and all you do is pick up the tickets at the gate. Your date will never know, you will have and enjoyable time and save some money in the process.

Local Bookstore

Many bookstores allow people to sit and read for a while before they eventually make a purchase, and places like Barnes & Noble have little coffee houses established within them. This is a perfect place to take a date to read and discuss your favorite books over a nice cup of coffee. It is a real intimate setting in which you can get to know each other’s passions and interest all while enjoying the company of one another. If you find a book that you both like, you could always purchase it and take it back to your place and read it together. Perfect ending to a beautiful evening.

Performance of a Local Band

Depending on the city you live in, there are always different local groups having small shows all around. Most of these shows are usually at small bars that don’t cost much more than $5 to get in. Not too many things set the mood better than an evening of live music. You could sit back and enjoy the music or get up and dance, either way it should be a fun and interesting date.

Dinner and a Movie at Home

Everywhere you go, you can’t miss the various movie rental kiosk like Red Box that offer rentals for only a dollar per night. This is the perfect opportunity to pick up a movie that you both have been talking about seeing and have a nice little dinner at your place. If you’re not the best cook in the world, you could always order a meal for one of your favorite restaurants and bring it back home. A nice conversation could take place over dinner and you could both sit together and enjoy the movie later on. Now you’ve never left the comfort of your home and showed your date a good time.

When you are always worried about how much you are spending, it is hard to have a good time on dates. All you have to do is take a little time, be creative and plan ahead. Once you don’t have to worry about how much money you’re spending, you can concentrate on what’s important, having fun!

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