A Woman’s Quick Guide to Dating
In our modern society where both males and females mature socially at an incredible pace, it may be virtually unheard of for an adult female to have had no experience in dating. For some, the age of dating may begin as soon as the onset of puberty. For those however who may have taken a hiatus from dating for some reason or another, a review of basic dating tips may be in order.
The first thought of a woman who hasn’t been dating recently is the apprehension of how one will project oneself to a date and how the dating experience will turn out based on that impression. Women will naturally worry about appearance and social skills. For many it is quite important to amaze a guy on the first meeting. Then again, it may not be all about you on a first date. Of course, it is but natural for both parties to want to get to know each other, but chances are, your date may also be worrying about what you think of him and how he’s going to impress you, so don’t sweat the small stuff.
What is immediately important is that you are presentable and well-groomed and not emitting noxious fumes or appearing like an over made up ramp model. The idea after all is to be yourself since your date may naturally be interested in who you are and not who you want him to see.
If you and your date do not have pre-set plans as to what you want to do, consider pitching in some suggestions if you want to make sure that you are in comfortable with the situation. Normally, a date may start with dinner together, but if you think you’re not ready for the subdued social interrogation, then consider getting into activities that may keep you both busy but not too busy to interact. Although watching a movie may be perfectly okay, consider other activities since movie watching may drastically limit your chances to communicate. The point of a first date should be introducing oneself to a date, something that can barely be achieved by watching a movie.
If you’ve made previous plans and you’re set to have dinner, you are definitely expected to bust your brains to keep the conversation rolling. Instead of being too conscious about what you want to say about yourself however, consider diverting the conversation and try asking details about your date. Human nature would say that people in general love talking about themselves. Just be choosy with your questions. Otherwise your date may feel like he’s being grilled by the Spanish inquisition. Aside from causing some embarrassment to your date, it is thoroughly tasteless to be too inquisitive.
If things are not turning out to be as you expected, be a lady and stick it out until the last potato has been swallowed. Your date may not be having such a groovy time either but it is unlikely that you would want him to ditch you when he feels like it.
The point in the whole exercise of dating is to try and enjoy the company of someone you may want to know better, so be yourself. That way, you’ll know at the soonest possible time if someone fits you.
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