Online Dating with Match.Com
My Personal Online Dating Experience
A co-worker friend of mine just started a new venture into the world of online dating. Her excitement got me thinking about my own experiences with it that started out like a failed science experiment, but in the end took a turn for the best. Thanks to, I am now getting married in two weeks!
Here’s how it all happened… After getting divorced in 2011 and having never lived alone as an adult, I was thrown head first into single life. I had to learn to be independent, get my own apartment, and learn how to pump gas! I was 32, single and had no clue how to proceed with even the beginnings of learning how to date again. I was scared and alone.
After dating loser after loser, I was getting extremely frustrated and losing hope. One Sunday night, logging off my MySpace account, an advertisement popped up for I thought to myself.. hmmm, I will just take a lookie and see if there were even any remotely good looking guys on there. I made my free account, set up a profile, added some cellphone pictures of myself and let the browsing begin! There were many good looking guys in my area, so I winked at a couple before calling it a night and go to bed.
Monday couldn’t go fast enough at work. I was eager to log into my account when I got home to see what was in store for me. Holy Hannah! My inbox was full of messages from all kinds of random guys, asking for my number, asking me out for dinner or for a coffee or just introducing themselves. I weeded through the ones that were “not from this planet” and paid for a month’s subscription so that I could answer some of the emails. I went back and forth exchanging emails from potential date material, chatted with a few and spoke to a couple on the phone before taking the first leap to actually going and meeting one face to face.
I was really scared since I had never done this before! We decided on a dinner date in a public place. I gave all the information I had on the guy to one of my friends just in case he turned out to be related to Jack the Ripper. Dinner was nice and led to two more dates with that same person but even though he was very good looking, he was also very full of himself and things did not work out.
Discouraged with my first date, I was about to give up on this whole online dating nonsense. A few days later I received an email from someone I had “winked” at who was sporting a very nice goatee (or at least it looked like one, because the photo was VERY fuzzy). This one was wasting no time with formalities or idle chit chat at all. He just emailed me his phone number, so I gave him a call and set up a date for Saturday. And at the last minute, I chickened out. I sent him a text to tell him that I had to babysit for my brother’s daughters that night (a total lie!) and would not be able to make it. He understood.
The following Friday night, I was sitting alone in my apartment feeling sorry for myself and decided to text him back. What did I have to lose? We set up a dinner date at a local Cuban restaurant. He was game! I was giddy sitting in my car full of nerves and the anticipation of a first date. When he arrived and I actually saw him, my heart almost jumped out of my chest! He was so good looking in person compared to the fuzzy pictures he had on his profile. Between dinner and drinks at a couple of different locations, our first date lasted almost 8 hours!
The next day he called and asked me to come over to his place because he was cooking dinner for me! What??? A nice guy, who was good looking and can cook too? Someone hold me down because I instantly said yes and this led into a relationship where we have never been apart since.
This is the man that I will now be marrying in exactly 2 weeks on April 6, 2015. Exactly 3 years to the day we first met and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
To my dear co-worker friend, I did it, and you can do it, too!
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