Five things you’re doing wrong with women.

Five things you’re doing wrong with women.

We all know a guy who could use this, so here’s some handy tips for the men who have trouble picking up girls for whatever reason. Follow these steps and talking to the ladies will be as easy as it seems to be for everyone else.
Hygiene. This is essential for talking to anyone, not just women you fancy. Brush your teeth twice a day, shower daily, wash your hair often, y’know, the basics. Make sure she can’t smell you before she sees you, and this does not just mean B.O. Make sure your deodorant or cologne is not over powering. Don’t make her instantly want to move away from you on first impression.
Be casual. Don’t act like you only want one thing from her (even if you do). Talk about everything and anything with her. This is not an invitation to talk all about you though. Make sure you ask her questions and you get bonus points for follow up questions because they show you were actually listening to her. Ask questions that you think she might be into or want to talk about, about her work, her pets, her family, job, passions. Anything that she’s interested in and loves to talk about, the conversation will flow easier if she’s having a good time and wants to carry it on.
Keep your attention on her. Focus on her, don’t get distracted by what else is going on, especially not by other women. make her feel special, like she is the only one there thats worth looking at. Constant eye contact is good for this as well as keeping the conversation going. Flowing conversation makes the woman want to stay in the conversation because its not boring, so make sure you follow step 2 and keep asking questions and stay interested.
Compliment her. Don’t be excessive with this or she’ll know you’re only doing it so she’s more likely to stay talking with you. Just bring it in casually when you can and try to keep them varied. When you begin talking you could mention something about how beautiful she is, using a cheesy pick up line, later on when you’re talking make sure to compliment how successful or strong or smart she is, something beyond looks is always a winner. It shows you are about something beyond looks and that you really appreciate her as a person.
Don’t appear desperate. You don’t want to be that guy. The one who goes up to every girl and refuses to leave them alone, the guy thats just a little too hands-on. If she’s interested she’ll let you know but until then keep your hands to yourself and give her time to decide whether she wants that or not, if you go in straight away there’s no chance that you will see her again and her friends will likely form a human shield to keep you away from her.
Follow these simple steps and women will be falling all over you, begging you for dates. Turn up smelling lovely and stay casual and interested and make her feel special, but don’t come across too desperate and she’ll be yours.

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