Festive Dates that your crush or girlfriend will love.

Festive Dates that your crush or girlfriend will love.

Taking her to see the decorated houses in your neighbourhood is an easy way to have a nice, romantic date. To make it even more special bring a picnic or take her out to eat afterwards. You’ll have plenty of time to take during the walk/drive to the lights and if there is any awkwardness, the lights will spice up a conversation.
Have a christmas movie marathon. Invite her over and play your favourite christmas movies. Arrange an array of christmas snacks; cookies and chocolate are never a bad choice. Make sure you’re also choosing movies that your date will want to see.
Making christmas cookies together is a fun and cheap way to have a romantic time, just buy some basic baking ingredients and find an easy recipe online and get to it. They don’t have to come out pretty, making ugly cookies is usually more fun anyway.
Ask her to help you christmas shop. A good way is to ask her for help picking out a gift for your sister or mum, it’s an easy way to ask a girl out if you’re shy or nervous because it can just as easily not be a date. Make sure to make it special and take her out somewhere afterwards or buy her some ice cream as a ‘thank you’ for helping.
Decorate a tree together. She’ll love the quirky idea, it’l make you seem original. Play some christmas tunes and buy a few love heard ornaments and you cant go wrong. Don’t worry if you still live with your parents, this is a casual and fun way to get her to meet the parents.
Volunteer with her. It’ll show your sensitive side and there’s no better way to get in the Christmas spirit than to help the less fortunate. Take her to your local soup kitchen or to an animal shelter and spend some time helping out the community.
Take your date carolling. Whether its door to door, at a christmas in the park or just singing carols in your living room, it’s a fun and care free way of getting in the spirit and leaves no room for awkward conversation when you’ve got to be singing.
Tell her you want a photo with santa and don’t want to go alone. This sounds like an odd one but who doesn’t love getting photos with santa? No matter what your age is, this is still a fun date. If you don’t want to tell her you want a photo with santa tell her your mum asked you to get one because you’ve gotten one every year and take her to get one too. As santa is usually at a mall, it means you can easily go grab a coffee after or a bite to eat.
Ask her to help you pick out some clothes for christmas day. We all have this problem, trying to find an outfit thats gonna look good in photos but still make your Grandma happy. Ask her to come shopping with you to find that perfect outfit. It’ll give you lots of opportunity to talk as well as to show off your fashion sense and your wallet. Also gives you the perfect opportunity to take her out to eat after ward with something along the lines of “I wanna wear this outfit in before the big day, wanna grab some dinner?”
Try these simple date ideas out on your crush or girlfriend and it’s a sure fire way to have her head over heels for you and to get you both in that festive Christmas mood.

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