Creative date ideas

Creative date ideas:

It’s always difficult knowing where to go on a first date, or even a simple date with your partner. You don’t want to be cliché and do dinner and a movie and you don’t want to do anything as simple as just a coffee meet up. You don’t want to take them somewhere that’s too casual or too formal. It’s a difficult time but you just need to get through it in the best way possible. So without further ado, here’s are some creative date ideas to take your crush or your significant other on.

A picnic: A bit of a classic, but still great. So much more romantic than just going to a restaurant and shows you’re putting in more effort since you have to organise more. Just pick up a blanket and some snack food, you can make it as classy as you want, cheese balls and candy if you want to keep it chill, some nice wine and finger sandwiches with chocolate strawberries if you really want to impress.

Go for a drive with no destination: this sounds odd, but it’s actually super fun. Just get in the car with some snacks and some good music and just drive. At every corner you get to flip a coin or just pick left or right and keep driving until you get bored or it gets late or you find something really cool. I’d recommend going rural and finidng a cool swimming hole or a cute café or something like that. It’ll be all the more special because you found this place together. It also means you don’t have to choose a restaurant or some certain food, just see where it takes you and find a place together.

Go scuba diving: This doesn’t need to be with an instructor and expensive. You can just head to the dollar store and pick up some snorkles and goggles and head to the beach. It’s different to the normal date and will make you look creative and interesting. You never know what you’ll see in the ocean which adds to the fun.

Search the landmarks: Use google for this one and find the best tourist destinations of your city and take your date there. It doesn’t have to be Niagra Falls but something that’s nice to look at or a scenic walk or a museum or something along those lines will give you a special date that’s more exciting than a simple coffee date. Even better make a list of the best landmarks in the city and walk or drive to all of them in one day. It’ll make for a long day and if you find one you like more you can always just stay there all day.

Make some DIYs: This is a simple but fun date idea. Find something simple like some bath bombs or some photo frames, you could even just make and decorate some cupcakes. It gives your date something they have to remember from the date. It’s also a fun and casual date that makes it easy to avoid awkward date conversation because you’re actively making something at the same time.

Hopefully at least one of these date ideas sounds prefect for you and your crush or significant other and will work wonders for you. Feel free to try out one or all of these and add your own spin on them, put a little of yourself in them, if you love museums you could take your date to all your favourite museums instead of landmarks or if you have the best brownie recipe, invite your date round to bake and eat brownies with you.

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