How to let him know you’re interested

How to let him know you’re interested

Lets face it, telling a guy you want to date him is scary. You never know how he’s going to respond; it could be perfect or it could be a disaster. It’s hard to find a perfect balance between acting casual and desperate. You don’t want to come across like you’re completely obsessed with him but you also don’t want to seem like you’re uninterested in him. Make sure you follow these steps before you just jump into it.

  1. Make sure he’s interested in you. This can be pretty rough, but if he doesn’t like you, then he doesn’t like you. You can’t change that and you’re going to need to move on if he doesn’t. Get some mutual friends to talk to him about you, be flirty and see how he reacts (don’t go over the top here, you just want to see if he likes you, not actully ask him on a date yet), see if he gets jealous when you’re with another guy. Try a few things out and just see how he reacts, he may even realise that he wants you and will act on it.
  2. Make sure you really like him. Before you ask him out and make a big thing of it, make sure you like him, not just the idea of him. Focus on who is he as a person, all of his aspects, good and bad and decide whether you actually want to date him. Asking your friends what they think of him is always a good option, they will tell you if they think he’s trash or if he is good for you so listen to them.
  3. Don’t be clingy. You want to spend as much time with him as possible to see if you really like him and to make him like you, but you do not want to come off as clingy and desperate. Make sure you give him space, if he’s taking a while to respond to your texts, don’t double text him, just give him time to come to you he’s probably just busy, or he’s not interested and then you need to revert back to step 1. If you’re hanging out together or in a group, keep it casual, if he’s talking to someone else, don’t just push your way in, talk to someone else, have fun on your own, it’ll make him want to come to you if he sees you having a good time.
  4. Lastly, actually ask him. If you’re sure he likes you and you like him then you just have to bite the bullet and do it. Don’t just wait for him to come to you, be assertive and ask for what you want. Just go up and ask him to hang out sometime, or go grab some lunch or anything, just organise some one on one time. If you’re not completely confident in asking, ask him to hang out (don’t use the word date) and then you can just hang out as friends and if it’s awkward or he doesn’t like it, you were just hanging out as friends, it wasn’t a date and you don’t have to make anythng of it.

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