Top Four Things Men Wished Women Knew About Dating
Stand in the check-out line of any grocery store, and you have had the opportunity to read the magazines that are just waiting to be picked up. Chock-full of such valuable information as “driving your man wild” and “how to have pouty lips like Angelina Jollie” they fill your head with more misinformation than is really necessary. As a matter of fact, the average guy, whom you are most likely going to be dating, cares very little about Angelina Jollie.
Instead, there are a lot of very different perspectives he will have of you and of dates, and to this end here are the top four things men wished women knew about dating:
- If you want a man to like you for who you are, then be yourself! Men do not really care about the intricacies of your job, how important you are to the company you work for, and how brilliant your friends think you are. The odds are pretty good that they are already impressed by you in some way – otherwise they would not have asked you out in the first place! So relax and be honest.
- Men are extremely visual. At the same time, women like to dress up nicely and make themselves feel sexy. Nonetheless, women also want to be loved and admired for who they are, not for the cleavage they may have. It is not surprising that this propensity for visual enjoyment as well as outward appearance sometimes clash. To this end, if you do not want a man to look at you and drool the same way he would over a New York Strip Steak, then do not wear something that is more revealing than it is covering.
- Once there is a relationship in the works, and you are wondering where it is going, simply ask! Men are not good at hinting and entendres; instead, if you want to know directly if the relationship is going where you are hoping it is headed, ask!
4. Last but not least, while men are historically expected to pay for some entertainment such as dinners, movies, and other things, it is unfair to treat a man who is neither your steady boyfriend nor your husband as though he is expected to pay for everything. Until your relationship progresses to these levels, it is only fair to switch off or at least have you pay once in a while.
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