Advantages and Disadvantages of Dating a Cougar

Advantages and Disadvantages of Dating a Cougar

Should You Date a Cougar?

Men have been dating younger women for centuries. Now, roles have reversed. Women more than ever before are dating men more than 10 years their junior.

Older women with youthful spirits have been connecting with men 10-15 years younger than them for years now. One of the problems with this situation, are the “looks” people give while the couple is out for a night on the town. Behind closed doors it could be pure bliss, but in the public eye, it can be uncomfortable.

There are many advantages and disadvantages of dating a “Cougar”. Besides the age difference, there are plenty of other reasons why dating an older woman can be seen both as a positive and a negative.


  • Having Children – Average “Cougar” Experiences are with men 15 years younger than the woman. Let’s say the woman is 40 years and the man is 15 years younger than that. At this point having children for the woman can be risky. Also, it’s more common and more likely that the “Cougar” may already have children from a previous relationship. Is the younger guy ready for an “instant family”?
  • The Golden Years – It may be great for the younger man to flaunt his older woman off to the world while dating. What happens when the “Cougar” enters her golden years? This doesn’t look too attractive when you see the younger guy out dating a woman who could possibly look like his mother at this stage. The older woman’s energy level wears down and the younger man may look at a younger woman or someone closer to his age group. How uncomfortable is it for the guy your dating getting carded at the 21 and over bar or club?


  • Energy Level – During the early period of dating, the energy level is high and everything seems to be going great. You both have come to a balance where your energy levels are pretty much even. You both enjoy riding bikes, dancing, as well as “other things”. You both are basically at your “peak”. You could ride bikes together, go dancing, swim, and maybe even enjoy the same types of movies and music.
  • Experience – Dating a “Cougar” is beneficial “experience wise”. The older woman has plenty of life experience to share. It’s great to be with someone who “knows the ropes”. You learn so much. You get exposed to so many new things you otherwise wouldn’t. The younger man can be hypnotized with all the new found knowledge and experience a “cougar” can offer.

Overall, it’s wise to really think about whether or not dating a cougar is worth it. You need to think about how this situation could possibly affect your family (parents, sisters, brothers, etc…) You also have to keep in mind that the “cougar” could possibly have grown children the same age or older than you are. This could lead to a very uncomfortable situation. Are you really ready to put yourself in a situation like this? When you decide to date a “Cougar” long term or short term, it’s good to know the advantages and disadvantages before you get into a serious relationship or you decide to just having a “fling”.

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