Is online dating the only option?

Is online dating the only option for finding a partner? These days we are so ruled by technology- mobile phone, txts, the internet, smartphones.  Is every other method dead now? Hell no. It’s just one of the many methods and one of the better in my opinion but is for sure not the only one. Today I will discuss some off-line methods to score a date.

Sure, if you are young and single its easy to meet new people at a bar, a nightclub, parties, even at school etc. But what about those of us who are older or not really into the social scene so much? How do we meet new people or potential mates without having to go to bars? and is this the type of person we will meet there really the person who we won’t to spend the rest of our life with? What other options are there out there?

Join a club or sign up for a course or two. The best one I have found is a small local cooking course. Not only do you get to learn some excellent and valuable cooking skills…and what woman  is not impressed by a man who can cook?. You will also get to eat better while you are still on your own until you meet the right someone to live with then you can forget all those new skills…just kidding. These types of classes are excellent for meeting someone and typically don’t cost much as are run by the local school, volunteers and the like.

Now don’t become and obvious predator hitting on any woman in the room as soon as you get there. Make polite conversation and ask questions…woman love to talk if you hadn’t realized that already. You will soon find out if they are in a relationship during a normal conversation and whether they have kids living with them and the like. You can say something like ‘I’m here to improve my skills as it was previously too much trouble cooking healthily just for one’. This will lead her to replying how many she cooks for or agreeing that indeed is is, but she does xxx or giving you some ideas or pointers. Just ask general questions and you will soon find out if she is single without appearing to be asking. You don’t have to come right out and ask. Sometimes of course that is a good approach especially in a pub where there are plenty to choose from and a good chance that is why she is there in the first place. A cooking course is neutral ground and she is not expecting to get picked up…but hey she may be there for exactly the same reason as you perhaps.

See how the conversation goes and if all seems good and you seem to be hitting it off then casually ask if she wants to grab a coffee sometime or if she wants to have a quick drink after class. Maybe ask the class if they want to grab a quick drink at a bar around the corner after the class.

Maybe it takes you a while to build up the confidence to ask someone out. Play dumb- ask her questions or get her to show you how to do something or explain something. Woman love to help out. You will soon tell by her body language if she might be interested in you or not. If nothing else it will make the other woman jealous of her and invite competition especially if you are good looking. But you don’t have to be good looking. Its the personality that counts…oh and the money..kidding again, but it does help, we all know that.

Just work on your good points and use common sense. Brush your teeth and use mouthwash if necessary before class or suck a mint or something. Nothing is worse than bad breath in a close situation. And personal hygiene of course. Have a shower and use deodorant before the course. Nothing will turn a woman off faster. Wear casual smart clothes but nothing over the top as there is a good chance you get something on them.

Good luck. A cooking class is just one of many options other than online dating out there to find that girl of your dreams.

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6 Responses to Is online dating the only option?

  1. effy says:

    Online dating isn’t the only option but sure is the best way to weed out the phycos out there.
    I highly recommend trying it.

  2. KeetteJistoma says:

    Good points here about online dating, but no its not the only option. Hoever for those of us too shy to approach a girl out of our league it is a great place to start. There are heaps of adult dating sites. Check them out and join one or two and take a look around. It will give you the confidence to talk to women.
    I am happy to say I found my soon to be wife this way and couldn’t be happier.

  3. Jake says:

    Useful dating site. Well worth reading posts. cheers

  4. jess says:

    Great dating blog guys but almost all the posts seem to be more for males finding a woman to date. There are some women looking for a nice man too you know.

  5. daniella says:

    Of course online dating is not the only option guys. Just get out there and ask a girl out. What is the worst that can happen? Most of us are flattered that we are asked out, even if we don’t say yes.

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