How can I tell if a woman is interested in me?

How can I tell if a woman is interested in me? Here are some sure fire tips on body language to tell if she is interested in you or you are wasting your time here. Hey its not one hundred per cent accurate but will work for you most of the time in most situations- we guarantee it.

There are heaps of tell-tale signs, so these are just some of them. Most important in my opinion is that she will re-initiate the conversation once you stop talking. Not just because she, like most women, like to talk- you can tell the difference.

Does she toss her hair when she is distant from you or play with her hair when she is talking to you. Does she put her hand on your arm briefly when you make her laugh? Does her leg accidentally touch yours? She doesn’t pull back or flinch if you get too close. These are all signs that she is quite probably in to you. Not for sure of course- she may have had too much to drink and leaning on you to stop her falling over but I think you are smart enough to know the difference.

Does she stay when her friends leave for the bathroom or get up to dance, giving you the opportunity to approach her without having to pick up the courage to approach a group of women to get to talk to just her. Approaching a group and the fear of getting knocked back will stop most men from approaching someone they fancy who is not on her own. You are certainly not alone here, but a woman is not often going to come up and approach you if she fancies you- you generally have to make the first move to get anywhere in this world.

Does she hold eye contact when your eyes meet across the room. A sure tell-tale sign you have caught her interest…or maybe you just have food stuck in your teeth 😉 When talking to her closer up once you have finally made your move, does she hold eye contact with you in conversation?

You will get to know how to read these signs. There are plenty of books at the library on body language. Its pretty much a proven science over the years.

Go with your gut instincts. Women are not the only ones who have these you know.

And hey, what’s the worst than can happen if you are wrong? She will soon tell you to ‘get lost creep’ then you know for sure and haven’t wasted your time or your money further and move on to the next hottie in the bar. You will get over it. Rejection is part of the game. Its her loss, not yours. That’s the attitude dude.

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