I have been asked ‘how do I tell if he is married’ by more than one person so there are probably a hundreds of you out there in cyberspace who would like to know.
There are many tell-tale signs but as always there are exceptions, so don’t rely on just one of these signs, but a few or more will probably be an indication that he is already married or at least in a relationship.
Does he always put the toilet seat down? A sure sign that he has a partner or at the very least daughters in the house. Maybe he has just been well house-trained when he was in a relationship and still does this out of habit…but maybe not. Most men are lazy and go back to old habits without someone to nag or do it right for.
Does he excuse himself to take a call out of earshot. Does he suddenly have to go when he is on the phone and you arrive. Does he often tell the caller he will have to call them back. Does he delete txts after reading them. Is he very possessive about his mobile phone.
Here’s the biggest tell-tale sign. Does he not stay the night…almost ever. Do days or nights together generally have to be planed in advance. Have you ever asked yourself why its always at your place and you have never stayed at or even been to his. Now the clever ones will always have plausible excuses, an old dog who doesn’t like strangers, looking after a old or sick relative, renovations at his apartment…the list goes on and on and maybe one after the other. Stop and think for a moment. We don’t think with our head in these situations generally. You need to take a step backwards or try and view it as a friend would…or better still ask a friend, a good friend. Have them meet this new man in your life and value their opinion. Of course you need to be on your guard as if he is a catch your friend may want him for herself and taint her opinion to suit. Maybe a married friend is better to ask or one you trust exclusively… Still often it is our best friend who we later find out slept with our partner so be careful here, maybe ask a couple or three of your friends.
Now don’t jump to conclusions as sometimes if you focus on it you will just see and notice the things that fit the situation. Maybe he really is going to the library or working late all the time and maybe he really does have a sick old dog…but then again maybe not. Try and see the situation from a neutral point of view. In hind-site you will always think you should have seen the signs earlier and it should have been obvious but this is always the case in hind-site when the outcome is a given.
Once again go with your gut feelings. Us girls have been given this sixth sense or intuition for a reason. Trust it. If something does not seem right and makes you uncomfortable then there is a good reason for this. Listen to it. Come straight out and ask or be cunning and catch him out. Be inventive and imaginative to think of a few ways to test him out. You are best to find out sooner rather than later. Or maybe you are OK and feel safer dating a married man. Some of us do when we are scared to commit again. Makes us feel safe. But you really want to know up front. If you don’t mind, tell him, and let him come clean so you both know where you stand. Honesty is always the best policy in the long-run. A relationship based on lies can only end in disaster.
So, how do I tell if he is married? Look for the tell-tale signs. If there are more than one then look a little deeper and trust your instincts.
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