Understanding body language for dating

It goes without saying that body language is one of the most underrated aspects of dating and relationships in general. Many men (as well as women) do not realize that even though they may be saying the right words, their body may be giving off completely different signals. When dating it is common to focus on what you will potentially say to your date, what you will wear, where you will go for dinner, etc. Although these are all important parts of the dating process, body language is a key aspect to true success in all relationships both budding and established.

The eyes and what they can say

Do you ever find it hard to concentrate on what someone is saying because they won’t look you in the eyes when they speak? Or maybe they always divert their gaze away from you. It’s distracting isn’t it? This goes double for when you are dating. Both women and men find shift eyes a major turnoff. Not only does it display a lack of confidence in one’s self, but it also displays nervousness and uneasiness as well. An experienced dater knows that keeping a constant but unaggressive gaze is important to establishing rapport and confidence with their date. Women will almost always tell you when it is time to make that move, or come in and introduce yourself. You can tell by their body language and more specifically their eyes.

Body language for dating: conclusion

It’s easy to spot how someone is feeling when dating by noticing the language of their body. Do they keep adjusting their hair, clothing, or fidgeting? They are most likely anxious, which can be both a good or bad thing, depending on what you do with those signals. The key to recognizing these signals is to tune into the body language of others and know how to analyze it. Although it is one small part of dating, body language cannot be forgotten as it is an essential part to all relationships, whether you realize it or not.

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One Response to Understanding body language for dating

  1. dev says:

    Body language is not 100 per cent certainty but knowing the basic giveaways will be right more times than not

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