Speed Dating- Is it for me?

What’s up with speed dating. There seems to be an ever increasing number of ads in the local papers these days for speed dating. What is it all about?

Speed dating- The reason

Someone makes money out of these events, but that’s fine as its usually very cheap or even free. If its a bar then its usually free as they know damn well you are going to buy a drink or two when you attend. Multiply that by 20-30 and it helps the bars turnover on a slow night. If it is a private individual organizing and charging $20 each then that is $400 for a few hours and a few ads in the newspaper. Not bad.

Speed dating- The process

There can be many different flavors and variations but all rely basically on the same principal. There are a group of invites or registrations with hopefully the same number of male as female. If not then each will have a session with no one at least once. Typically women are numbered and seated. Men move from table or chair to chair after a preset interval. The men are also numbered. You each have a sheet of paper which has the numbers on it and as you move to the next you tick or mark each one as a yes or no. This yes or no is not a commitment, but rather a chance for a further meeting to see if she also has ticked you as a possible. It is all completely anonymous unless you know them already of course which is bound to happen in a small town so not the best way of meeting if you are already married. You have around 2 minutes to decide if you might like to see this person again and then move onto the next one. Its all very non threatening and pretty stress free especially if held at a bar and you have had one or two before starting. Of course don’t overdo it, just enough to make you not shy or nervous if you are that was disposed as many of us are at meeting the opposite sex for the first time.

After the event the organizer will take your forms and cross reference them. Only if the lady you have ticked has also ticked your number will contact details be given. This contact detail will just be a phone number or email, whichever you decide you want to give, preferably both.

The process and rules will be explained to you before you start.  By ticking, and we suggest you tick all possibilities, not just the only hottie in the room because if you fail to impress her you will come away from the whole evening with no phone numbers at all to call. If you end up with six or seven numbers you don’t have to call them all and can prioritize to call the hottie first of course before the other nine males also call her first.

You don’t have much time to make an impression so dress nicely, shave and use deodorant. be particular to bad breath and if you are prone to this make sure to do something about it right before and or during. Keep the conversation casual and for goodness sake don’t talk about your ex, sex, religion or politics in these precious two minutes. You want to create a good first impression and be someone that she might like to explore a little more over a coffee or a drink sometime now that she has seen your appearance. Remember this is much better than a blind date as you both know what you are getting physically.

Just remember that woman don’t like going to these things or any social events alone so there is a good chance some of them are friends or at least know each other, so bear that in mind when meeting them later!. You have been warned.

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