How to Succeed with Women

hot girl smoking

How to Succeed with Women

In a word, confidence. It really does not matter what you look like to be successful with the ladies. When I say this I mean it does not matter whether you are handsome, tall, short, good looking, downright ugly, or whatever. In fact it can be a distinct advantage not to be too good looking. Women don’t like to have to compete so it can be quite an advantage to not be good looking. Don’t believe me then just take a look around at how many ugly guys there are with beautiful women…and no not all of them are rich!  Sure there are always exceptions and many glamor couples but this is a numbers game and there are still millions of beautiful women out there just for you.

So let me just clarify. It does not matter what you look like, but it does matter a great deal how you look! What? this is a contradiction. What I mean is that it certainly does matter how you appear. That is, how you dress and look after yourself, not how good looking you are. Note the difference here. You need to take time and pride in your appearance.  A woman is instinctively attracted to a man who takes care of themselves because subconsciously they are thinking whether they realize it or not that if he can take care of themselves then they can take care of me. This doesn’t mean the latest designer clothes, a flash car, a great high powered job and plenty of money. None of that really matters. Sure it is easier to pull if you have any or all of these but it attracts the wrong type of woman, gold diggers, who will be with you only because of the money and will run off when a better offer comes along. You don’t want one of these.  Take pride in your appearance. Your hair is neat, your clothes are clean and smart casual. Your shoes are clean, very clean, and the small things like your nails are cut short and neat. Your hands are clean even if you have just finished changing the oil in your car earlier that day. Woman notice these things immediately. Us guys only notice our nails when we rip one and realize we should have probably cut them before this. When you dress nicer you immediately feel better about yourself and this will show through. Don’t believe me then just give it a try. We all feel better after a shower and clean clothes.

When you feel better about yourself, you ooze an air of confidence. Women are very perceptive and notice this and are attracted to a man with confidence whether they like to admit it or not.

Remember women want sex just as much as we do. Just make a little effort to improve your appearance.  Now, don’t be afraid to go out and get your share.

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4 Responses to How to Succeed with Women

  1. Helen says:

    You give give some very good dating advice here. Can you give a recommendation of a good dating site here in the United States please.

  2. Georgia says:

    Wish me luck in this dating game

  3. juls says:

    keep up the good work guys

  4. pnlncqi says:

    Please post more dating tips. What you have is good but we need more!

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