Internet Dating Scams and How To Avoid Being Scammed- part 3

Internet Dating Scams and How To Avoid Being Scammed- part 3

Are things moving way to fast? Does she mention butterflies in her stomach in the first letter, or does she ‘have a good feeling’ about you or various other similar clichés?

Guys, you have to think with your brain here, not with your you know what. Sure we are all overwhelmed that an exotic beauty is falling for us when the local girls shun us and its very easy to be taken in.  Anyone else reading just a few sentences of these emails from her would immediately know it is pure BS. So as stated last week, be sceptical. Right from the outset. Expect to be scammed. Maybe make it a game. Try and look for things. That’s right try and find holes. Pretend you are reading her emails for your best mate and you already suspect things are not as they seem. Look for signs and you will almost certainly see them. It will save you wasted time at the very least and possibly even thousands and thousands of dollars. There may of course be a perfectly logical explanation for some of the red flags you come across, but more than one is certainly not a good sign.

Now, there are genuine women out there, don’t get me wrong. Not everyone is trying to scam you. There are beautiful younger women from other countries who would find you quite a catch leading to a genuine better life for them and a happy life for both you and her, but there are many who just want money or if the woman you are corresponding with is actually who she says she is and the photos are indeed hers then she may be looking for a green-card or ticket to a better life and using you for only as long as they need to get it. You will be dropped like the proverbial hot potato once she has what she needs. The money you earn and your lifestyle may be very desirable and adequate for her in the beginning, but when she sees the affluence and other richer, younger, better looking guys that are everywhere she may start looking further, or maybe it was her intention just to put up with anything for the (relatively) short time necessary to be able to stay in your country without needing you any more. Remember Russian or Ukrainian women are very strong and generally very well educated. They have been brought up that way and have needed to to survive the harshness of their countries in the past…and again right now in Ukraine at least for them to even survive the present civil unrest in the east of Ukraine.

Does is look like she is setting the scene that she does not have much or any money…or is it the opposite to lure you into a false sense of security, so you are more easily sucked in when her  dear mother needs an urgent operation or she missed her flight and needs you to send even more money urgently.

Continued next week…

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