FaceBook and Your Ex



FaceBook and Your Ex

Ok, so it’s temping to stalk your ex and see what he or she is up to on social media. In a word, don’t! It is only sure to bring you grief.

Do you really want to know what they are up to and with whom? You really want to see pics of her partying up hard, drunk, with guys hanging all over her? Just don’t do it to yourself.

Many exes, for whatever reason will want to show you in their best light. That they are having a great time, can have anyone they want, still look great (or even better than they did when with you) and certainly don’t need or even miss you. Some will even over compensate to either have a dig at you, or just to let the world and their friends know they are happy and better off without you. Many will use social media as a way of getting back at you. They can say whatever they like on FB for all their friends and potential suitors to see.

Overcompensation- a sure sign of insecurity. Often the opposite is true and they just say it online to make themselves feel and appear to their friends and others better than they really are. Such things as saying they are ‘so happy’, why didn’t I dump him long ago?, life is great, much better off without him… you get the picture. There is a lot of research out here that those who post most often on social media are insecure and need to seek validation.

Don’t be tempted to stalk your ex on FB. Your friends will tell you the real story if you want to get her back. Give her a little time. Don’t badmouth her and certainly don’t paste all over your FB pages that your life is much better and how much tail you are getting.


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