A Different Way To Ask A Girl Out To A School Dance

A Different Way To Ask A Girl Out To A School Dance

It is rather intimidating to go up to the best looking girl in school and right out ask to to the school ball, school dance or whatever you call it in your country. Most guys at that young age will be more than a little scared off at doing this. Nobody wants to be rejected, especially with others to witness that unhappy event.

So how can you do it different, without having to do it face to face and yet still with a chance of success? Asking the best looking and most popular girl in school is probably not your best option unless you are the captain of the school football team. So best to go for a girl a little down the order, but still gorgeous.  You know the one. You have had your eye on for some time but while you get the odd smile, nothing more to give you confidence to walk right up to her and ask her to the dance.

The most boring but the easiest is to give you the yes/no check-list. You can leave it on or in her locker or hand it to her with a pen, or of course be in this century and email or txt her the equivalent. “Will you go to the ball with me” with a check-box for yes and another for no. Be creative and use a large check-box for yes and a tiny one for no ( or even no check-box for no. This method has been around for ages, but has and does work, but maybe you need to be a little more creative to get her attention and a ‘yes’.

Write it in the sand. Obviously it helps if she lives on the beach or you somehow know she is going to be there and will see it, but this can be pretty effective written in large letters, and her friends are bound to see it and tell her before the tide comes in. If no beach is around in your area then think outside the square. Maybe write it on her lawn with petals. Take a photo of it when done in case the wind comes up and your work has gone to waste before she sees it. This way it doesn’t have to be on her lawn either… Do it in the local park and take a pic of it and send it to her. She will be flattered and appreciate the effort you went to to get her attention. Take a pic of your sand writing too if you go for that method just in case.

Another good method is a mini treasure hunt. Put a clue in her locker. Follow this up by further clues around the school. Don’t go making it so hard that she won’t get to the next clue, but don’t make it so easy that it doesn’t hold her attention and intrigue either. Maybe spread the clues out over a few to several days to really reel her in slowly. She really will want to know who is behind it and you will certainly have her interest and attention. Think the clues out well, and only on the last one reveal who it is and what it is all about…maybe the check-list above would do, or a ‘congratulations, you have now earned the right to go to the ball with ….”. Be creative here.

So if you don’t have the balls to go right up and ask a girl, as most of you at that age won’t, then use something a little creative to do it for you. Think outside the square. It doesn’t have to cost anything, nothing at all, so you don’t need to hire a plane to write it in the sky, or take an add out on the local TV. Just do something different, but the key is just do something. If she doesn’t know you are interested in her then there is an almost zero chance she is going to ask you!

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