Arranging your first meeting. Do not, and I repeat, do not, call her up and arrange to meet for a coffee on your first date when you get there. Coffee is not a date for Ukrainian women and she will assume you only want to meet up for 20 minutes and then off to another lady afterwards and meeting more than one on the same day.
Instead arrange to meet up for lunch or dinner. It is fine to ask her to suggest a suitable place, or her favourite restaurant, as of course you don’t know what will be suitable. Don’t worry that she will choose the dearest restaurant in the city. She will choose one of her favourites with a nice atmosphere and a typical ukrainian decor and ambience that they are proud of. She will be wanting your to expierence her culture which she is so very proud of, and these places have excellent, well priced, authenic ukrainian food
Your lady will take at least a couple of hours to get ready and to look her abolute best for this first meeting, so don’t just ask her out for a coffee. You have been warned. Don’t follow our advice and you won’t see her again assuming she even turns up to this first date. Plenty of time to have many wonderful coffees in their wonderful cafes on your next dates while she is showing you the sights of her city.
Bring her a gift. Always bring her a small gift when you meet. ALWAYS. Flowers are of course always popular and you will already know her favourite as she will have been sure to have told you already during your correspondence. You must always give her an odd number of flowers, so luckily one is ok if it is nice and done up nicely. Never give an even number of flowers! It is considered bad luck and an even number is reserved for funerals or when visiting a gravesite. It is easy to find a flower shop even though you can’t read the shop signs.
Open the door for her. Help her take off her jacket. Be a gentleman. First impressions of your first meeting will count for a lot and she will have a good impression right from the start. These things mean a lot to a Ukranian woman, in our expierence they mean a lot to most women but especially Ukrainian women.
More on the first meeting next week.
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