Application for Dating Our Daughter
One Parent’s Answer for a Few Less Sleepless Nights
One year, we enrolled our fourteen-year-old daughter in a summer program at the YMCA. As if a primal instinct had overcome me, I had an overwhelming desire to get off work early to check on her. My instincts are good. She was caught alone and in a compromising position with a young man that was obviously too old, he may have even been in his twenties.
Immediately I called my husband at work to advise him of what I had discovered and in order to give him time to absorb the information so that he would be calm when he spoke with her.
As we sat down to calmly discuss the situation, my husband asked an obvious question: What is this man’s name? She answered with his first name. My husband then asked what his last name was. She did not know. My husband asked where he lived. Again, she did not know but she believed it was someplace in Mexico. My husband drew in a breath. My daughter then got defensive and with a single question caused the blood to drain from my husband’s entire upper torso. She jumped up and exclaimed “What do I need to know all that for?” “Because we said so” just didn’t seem like it was going to cut the mustard for that question.
After an extensive lecture on why she needed to know someone’s name before they had their hands where they shouldn’t be, we came up with the following:
Application for Dating Our Daughter
Name:_____________________________ Age: _____ SS#:____-___-____
First Last
Phone # ______________ Height:______Weight:____Color of Hair:______
Do you have a driver’s license? Yes No *If yes, please provide a copy.
Parent’s Name (The ones you live with):______________________________________________________
Phone #___________________
Do you have a Car? Yes No Yr:____ Make:________ License Plate #_______
Is your car insured? Yes No What company?__________________________
Your Best Friend’s Name: ________________________________________
Phone #____________________
Your favorite place to hang out:_______________________
Phone # ___________________ Address:___________________________
Do you have any children? Yes No *if yes how many ____
Are you in school? Yes No Where:__________________ What grade?_____
Do you have a job? Yes No Where:_________________________________
Have you ever been arrested? Yes No If yes, what for?
Are you on probation or parole? Yes No If yes, officer’s name & location:
What church do you go to?_____________________________________
Why do we need to know this information?
- In case you’ve been in an accident and we need to notify someone.
- In case you need medical attention because our daughter has been notified that she has an STD
- In case your parents are looking for you.
- In case your family has an emergency and you need to be notified.
- In case you want to be ruled out as a suspect if our daughter becomes pregnant.
- In case you want to be ruled out as a suspect if our daughter is missing.
- Because we said so.
* Please Note: We will be checking your information and require two days’ notice in order to check your answers.
It is your responsibility to update information. If you do not update and we find out about it privileges will be revoked for an undetermined amount of time.
Now, you might think that the boys that she presented this application to would either refuse to answer or give false information, but that never happened. Believe me, we processed quite a few applications. Most of the boys just laughed and gave us their driver’s licenses to copy.
This application, as it was explained was for informational purposes only, so the only way you could be denied was if you lied about your information. Of course, if someone puts down that they had recently been arrested for murder – I’m not exactly sure how my husband would have responded, but we did sleep a little better having some knowledge of whom our daughter was with. The boy also wasn’t so intimidated because he was handed the application by our daughter rather than having an awkward conversation with my husband.
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