What do I need to do to have more success at dating?
Smarten up your appearance.
Success at dating is not rocket science. Take a good look in your clothes closet. I am sure it will be time to modern things up if you are like most of us males or for those who are newly out of relationship where it didn’t matter how badly dressed you were you still scored…all be it occasionally…
You don’t have to spend a fortune. Just go to your local department store or men’s clothing store and ask them what would look good on you. Best if the sales assistant is a female around your own age or younger then you can ask her opinion. Hell you two might even hit it off right there and then…you never know, opportunities can come our way when we are not expecting or looking for them, in fact most often when were are not.
You don’t have to go out and replace your whole wardrobe, just a couple of shirts, a pair of pants, maybe a jacket and maybe some nice shoes if all you have are sneakers. It doesn’t need to cost a fortune to change your look.
Most of us haven’t changed our hairstyle in like forever. Go to a good stylist, not your usual barber and tell her you want a new look and what would she recommend. Sure it is going to cost a lot more than your regular…a LOT more, but it’s money well spent if it gives you new confidence and leads you to finding the woman of your dreams. Don’t scrimp here and do begrudge the cost, just forgo a luxury to pay for it, like not eating for a week or something…nah just skip a night out with the boys or take your lunch to work till you are even or something.
If you wear glasses, now maybe the time to get some stylish frames instead of the ones you have had forever. probably overdue to have your eyes tested again anyways, and we should have regular checks for glaucoma anyway once we reach a certain age and especially if there is a history in the family as it can come on fast and the damage can be unrepairable…but I digress. Once again ask the assistant what she thinks and even ask other women in the store which one they prefer on you once you have narrowed it down to 2 or 3 pairs. Maybe look at contact lenses, but glasses no longer have the stigma they used to and many women prefer a man wearing glasses as he is perceived to be more intelligent and therefore subconsciously a better provider (read catch) for them. You will even find men wearing glasses with plain lenses in them to score…yeah really!
You need to change that. Think positive. Once you have a brand new look you will feel better about yourself and automatically be more self confident. Woman like this and it in itself will lead you to more success at dating than you have had previously.
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