Dating 101: How to Attract Women
When it comes to women, most of them want a man who they can be themselves around. They want a man who can make them laugh and have a good time with. They want a man who can make them feel safe.
All of this can be done if guys would put more of a priority on just trying to have fun and enjoy life to the fullest. Guys aren’t doing themselves any favors by worrying way too much about how they look to women. In fact, you may give off an “awkward” vibe if you’re overly concerned with what’s going to come out of your mouth when you talk to them. It’s much better to be carefree and spontaneous with your words. It’s a very attractive quality in a man if you like who you are and don’t take yourself too seriously. After all, if you don’t like yourself, how can you expect women to like you?
Women look to you to see if you’re enjoying your experience in life. If you look like you’re not having a good time, they aren’t going to want to be around you. It’s like the song “girls just wanna have fun.” They want to feel a sense of excitement and pleasure around you.
So do yourself a favor and don’t act as though anything is a big deal. In the greater scheme of life, talking to a girl is really no big deal. It’s the pressure you put on yourself to succeed that is the big deal. So mentally decide that you’re not going to put this pressure on yourself because it is only going to hurt you in the long run.
Remember, your top priority in life is to have fun and do things that make you happy. All you’re concerned about is having a good time and making friends. If you have this mindset, the women will automatically come.
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