Dating the Parents: Getting your boyfriends parents to like you.
It’s always important getting your boyfriend’s parents to like you, but doing so can be a daunting process. You never know what they’re going to be like and sometimes go over the top with the niceties. We have compiled a sure-fire list of tips to help you make them love you.
Compliment their house. Parents usually love nothing more than to go on and on about aspects of their house that they’re proud of so make sure you get the ball rolling and comment on something. Make sure it’s specific, don’t say “I love your house” because that sounds forced and like you haven’t actually noticed anything about the house. Direct it at something, “I love the layout of your garden,” “Who’s in these photographs?” or even something as simple as “these are lovely mugs, where did you get them” will have them talking in no time.
Bring something as a gift (or peace offering). A salad or a bottle of wine is a nice way to show that you’re grateful for their hospitality. It will make you appear thoughtful and sweet which is always a good thing. Make sure your gift isn’t too elaborate, don’t bring a whole meal with you, you don’t want to outshine the host.
If you’re inviting them over show your house pride. Don’t let them walk into a messy house, you don’t want to be showcasing last weeks laundry. Make sure your place (at least the parts the will see) are clean and tidy. First impressions are important and you don’t want theirs to be that you’re a slob. A clean house will make them think you’re an excellent girlfriend and someone who can clean up after him.
If you’re going to a restaurant offer to pay. You don’t have to pay for the whole dinner (and you probably wont be expected to) but offer to pay for your meal, or buy a round of drinks for the table. It’ll make you appear giving and empathetic and they’ll know you’re not draining their son of money.
Ask to meet them first instead of waiting for them to ask. It’l make you appear optimistic about the relationship that you are taking a step to further it. It will work in your favour to as you can suggest a place to meet that you know and love or invite them round to your place where you’ll feel more comfortable and at ease.
Make sure to show interest in their son. Don’t act like you’re only there to impress them, they’l be able to pick that up quickly, show interest in others as well. If they have siblings ask about them or his friends. When your partner speaks make sure to listen to him and ask follow up questions, it’ll show you have a genuine love for him which the parents will love to see
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